What Are the Tax Incentives for Eco-Friendly Home Renovations in the UK Market?

With environmental concerns front and centre, the UK government has introduced a series of tax incentives to encourage homeowners and businesses to make their properties more energy-efficient. These incentives not only help to reduce the carbon footprint, but also save on energy costs, making them an attractive proposition for everyone. This article will explore the tax incentives available for eco-friendly renovations in the UK market and how you can take advantage of them.

The Green Homes Grant Scheme

One of the most significant tax incentives currently available for eco-friendly home renovations is the Green Homes Grant scheme. This government initiative was introduced to help homeowners cover the costs of making energy-efficient improvements to their homes. The scheme offers vouchers worth up to £5,000, or £10,000 for low-income families, which can be used towards the cost of installing energy-saving features.

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The Green Homes Grant scheme covers a range of energy-saving installations, including insulation, low-carbon heating, draught-proofing, double or triple glazing, energy-efficient doors, and heat pumps. The grant can cover up to two-thirds of the cost of eligible improvements, with the homeowner making up the difference. For low-income households, the grant can cover the full cost. As such, the scheme is a tremendous opportunity to make eco-friendly renovations affordable.

Energy-Efficient Mortgages

Another avenue for financial support for energy-efficient home renovations comes in the form of energy-efficient mortgages. These are a type of home loan that considers a property’s energy efficiency as part of the lending criteria. They offer preferential interest rates or additional borrowing capacity to homeowners who want to invest in making their homes more energy-efficient.

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The goal of energy-efficient mortgages is to encourage homeowners to implement energy-saving measures in their homes, thereby reducing energy use and carbon emissions. The mortgages can be used to finance a range of energy-saving measures, including the installation of solar panels, insulation, and efficient heating systems.

The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme

The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme is another tax incentive that can help homeowners cover the cost of installing renewable heat technologies. The scheme provides payments to homeowners who install and use renewable heat technologies, such as biomass boilers, solar water heating, and certain types of heat pumps.

Through the RHI scheme, homeowners can receive quarterly payments over seven years, based on the amount of renewable heat their system generates. This can help offset the installation costs and provide a long-term income stream for homeowners, making the investment in renewable heat technologies more appealing and affordable.

Business Energy Investment Tax Credit

While the aforementioned incentives are primarily aimed at homeowners, businesses are not left out. The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) provides a tax relief for businesses that invest in renewable energy technologies. Businesses can claim a percentage of the cost of new equipment that uses renewable energy, including solar, wind, and fuel cells.

The ITC, which is based on the cost of equipment and installation, can provide significant savings for businesses looking to go green. The credit is available for systems installed in the past few years and is set to continue until the end of 2024, making it a timely opportunity for businesses to invest in renewable energy technologies.

Energy Saving Trust’s Home Energy Efficiency Programmes

Lastly, the Energy Saving Trust’s Home Energy Efficiency Programmes (HEEPS) provide grants to homeowners and private sector landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. The HEEPS offer a range of grants, including cashbacks and loans, to help cover the cost of energy-saving measures.

The HEEPS are designed to support the most vulnerable in society and those living in fuel poverty. They are therefore means-tested and are only available to those who meet certain eligibility criteria. The programmes can provide substantial savings for those who qualify, making energy-efficient home improvements more affordable and accessible.

In summary, the UK government offers a range of tax incentives and financial support schemes to encourage homeowners and businesses to make their properties more energy-efficient. These incentives can help cover the installation costs of a range of energy-saving measures, from insulation and double glazing to renewable heat technologies and solar panels. By taking advantage of these incentives, homeowners and businesses can not only make their properties more eco-friendly, but also save on energy costs.

Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme

The Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) Scheme is a key tax incentive for businesses aiming to be more sustainable in their operations. It allows companies to write off the whole cost of the energy-saving equipment against taxable profits in the year of purchase. This is a significant incentive as it translates to a 19% tax saving on the cost of the equipment.

This scheme extends to a variety of energy-saving plant and machinery. For instance, energy-efficient boilers, air conditioning units, lighting, and insulation technologies all qualify under the ECA scheme. Furthermore, companies investing in water conservation technologies can also realise the benefits of this tax incentive.

Notably, the ECA scheme also covers the costs of new vehicles with low carbon emissions, which is an attractive proposition for businesses with a large fleet, such as construction companies or delivery services. The scheme only applies to products on the Energy Technology List (ETL) or Water Technology List (WTL), which are regularly updated to ensure they represent the top tier of energy-efficient and water conservation products.

Remember, the ECA scheme is a golden opportunity for businesses to invest in energy-saving technologies and significantly reduce their energy bills at the same time.

The Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme

The Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme is a renewable energy initiative that offers payments to homeowners and businesses who generate their own electricity using renewable or low carbon methods, such as solar panels and wind turbines. The scheme guarantees these payments for the electricity produced for a set period, typically 20 years, providing a consistent income stream and long-term return on investment.

The two main components to the payments under the FIT scheme are the generation tariff and the export tariff. The generation tariff is a payment for each unit (or kWh) of electricity generated. The rate paid varies depending on the size and type of installation, as well as when the system was installed. The export tariff, on the other hand, is a payment for each unit of electricity exported back to the grid.

Crucially, the FIT scheme also allows homeowners and businesses to save on their energy bills, as they can use the electricity they generate, thereby reducing the amount they need to buy from their supplier.

In light of climate change, the Feed-in Tariff scheme provides a compelling incentive for households and businesses to contribute to a more sustainable living by producing their own renewable energy.


The UK government has taken a proactive stance in encouraging energy-efficient and eco-friendly renovations in both residential and commercial properties. Through a variety of tax incentives including the Green Homes Grant Scheme, Energy-Efficient Mortgages, the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, Business Energy Investment Tax Credit, Energy Saving Trust’s Home Energy Efficiency Programmes, the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme, and the Feed-in Tariff scheme, homeowners and businesses are incentivised to make eco-friendly improvements.

The table of contents for these incentives is vast, from funding for insulation and solar panels to tax credits for energy-saving plant and machinery. As a result, both households and businesses can significantly cut down their energy bills, contribute to mitigating climate change, and promote sustainable living.

Moreover, these incentives provide an excellent opportunity for the construction industry to capitalise on the growing demand for green building and efficiency improvements. By keeping abreast of these tax incentives, construction companies can increase their value proposition by offering eco-friendly and energy-efficient renovations. Ultimately, it is through such comprehensive measures that the UK can successfully transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.